Home: Los Angeles, CA
I work at a manufacturing facility focusing on production engineering, process development and quality assurance.
What do you do for fun?
I love to play sports. Golf, running, soccer and basketball are some of my favorites.
Favorite quote:
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. Explore. Dream. Discover." ― Mark Twain
Your role models:
My parents, they are adventurous and spontaneous but also appreciate the comfort of being home with family, wherever that is in the world.
What excites you / What gets you out of bed in the morning?
Setting goals, whether it is to run a half marathon personal best, or to learn a new language.
What item can you not leave home without?
I keep a small bag with my cell phone, money, chapstick, lipgloss, bobbypins and a hair tie.
What are your main issues when shopping?
Finding shirts that flatter my body shape, they can't be too tight or I will look too square, but not too loose or I will look as if I'm wearing boxy pajamas.
Your thoughts on fashion and the role it plays in your life.
I really love fashion. In my spare time I love designing clothes and making my own pieces.
What are your main issues when shopping?
Finding shoes and tops (I'm a 32DD) that fit well.
Ruler body shapes are characterized as having little differentiation between the chest, waist and hip measurements. The chest and hips may be flat or full, but the key is that the waistline is not clearly defined.
High front makes your legs look longer,
Low back with flowing fabric creates the illusion of a small waist.